Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Hey all it has been quite some time since I last posted. Honestly I took a big fall off the wagon and am now working to get my butt back on it! So here we go again, but this time I have a bit of trick up my sleeve that will hopefully help me get back on the wagon and STAY on that wagon! My secret? BEACHBODY!

It's really no secret that I use Beachbody products such as Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. They are FANTASTIC programs! Beachbody is also behind such programs as P90x and Insanity as well as Shakeology! I have been a member of the team beachbody community for while now, however I just recently went the extra step and became a Beachbody Coach! What does this mean? Basically I am committed to not only making myself healthier, but also others. I am now a product of the product. I can help recommend products for you and help you achieve your fitness goals! I can even show you how YOU can become a Beachbody Coach! How cool is that?? Plus as you are reaching your fitness goals you can be reaching financial goals as well! And hey if you sign up now to be a coach the initial coaches fee is waived! It doesn't get any better than that right!!! If you are interested in ANY of the Beachbody products or want to take that next step and become a coach feel free to contact me at or simply go to my profile: and take a look around! Click on SHOP to view all of the Beachbody products or click on COACH to learn a little more about being a coach and remember right now the initial coaches fee is WAIVED! Now is certainly the time to join my AMAZING team of coaches!

I hope everyone is well and working towards reaching their fitness goals! You know you CAN, I know you CAN....Let's Get This!

XOXO, MaryBeth