Monday, August 16, 2010

A Big Thank YOU!!!

Just want to post something really quickly. I just want to thank everyone that has given and shown me support through my first week or so of turning my life around and beginning my journey to a healthier me! It has been overwhelming to see all the support and well wishes from people who are from all over the country and the world. I am on twitter and the support from my followers has at times moved me to tears. This morning I got the sweetest tweet from my friend Helly. I wanted to cry after reading the tweet it meant so much to me, so thank you girl! You are my inspiration and your support and guidance is more than I could have ever asked for. Secondly I need to give a big thank you to my Beachbody coach Tera A.K.A Girl Gone Healthy. She got me into the whole Beachbody community and its because of her that I gave Turbo Fire a shot. Next on my list of tries is Shakeology. However, I definitely recommend checking out Tera's website at: Girl Gone Healthy for amazing tips, product reviews and great advice on how you too can change your life around for the better.

As for me? I am in my second full week of Turbo Fire! The program is intense but so much fun! I am actually getting to the point where if I don't do a workout I don't feel quite right! AMAZING!!! I never thought that I would have that mind set! I have lost 2.5lbs so far! It feels great to finally see the numbers getting smaller! I am slowly making healthy changes to my diet as well. Trying to make smart choices for foods and substituting good foods for unhealthy foods. I already feel happier everyday knowing that I am making these positive changes! My muscles hurt everyday after my Turbo Fire work outs, but as the old saying pain, no gain!!


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!!! I'm so HAPPY to hear the motivation & dedication that's apparent in your "voice!" You are doing great!! Keep your chin up, the drive & passion, & remember it's a lifestyle not a diet. :) xxoo
