Just want to post something really quickly. I just want to thank everyone that has given and shown me support through my first week or so of turning my life around and beginning my journey to a healthier me! It has been overwhelming to see all the support and well wishes from people who are from all over the country and the world. I am on twitter and the support from my followers has at times moved me to tears. This morning I got the sweetest tweet from my friend Helly. I wanted to cry after reading the tweet it meant so much to me, so thank you girl! You are my inspiration and your support and guidance is more than I could have ever asked for. Secondly I need to give a big thank you to my Beachbody coach Tera A.K.A Girl Gone Healthy. She got me into the whole Beachbody community and its because of her that I gave Turbo Fire a shot. Next on my list of tries is Shakeology. However, I definitely recommend checking out Tera's website at: Girl Gone Healthy for amazing tips, product reviews and great advice on how you too can change your life around for the better.
As for me? I am in my second full week of Turbo Fire! The program is intense but so much fun! I am actually getting to the point where if I don't do a workout I don't feel quite right! AMAZING!!! I never thought that I would have that mind set! I have lost 2.5lbs so far! It feels great to finally see the numbers getting smaller! I am slowly making healthy changes to my diet as well. Trying to make smart choices for foods and substituting good foods for unhealthy foods. I already feel happier everyday knowing that I am making these positive changes! My muscles hurt everyday after my Turbo Fire work outs, but as the old saying goes...no pain, no gain!!
Wonderful!!! I'm so HAPPY to hear the motivation & dedication that's apparent in your "voice!" You are doing great!! Keep your chin up, the drive & passion, & remember it's a lifestyle not a diet. :) xxoo